Distribution Transformer is an electrical isolation transformer which convert high-voltage electricity to lower voltage levels acceptable for use in homes and business. A distribution transformer’s function is straightforward: to step down the voltage and provide isolation between primary and secondary. Electrical energy is passed through distribution transformers to reduce high-distribution voltage levels down to end-use levels. Nearly all energy passes through at least one distribution transformer before being consumed by an end-use appliance, motor, or other piece of equipment. Distribution Transformers are found in all sectors of the economy: residential, commercial, and industrial.
Distribution transformers are generally categorized in several ways:
- Type of insulation: liquid-immersed or dry-type
- Number of phases: single-phase or three-phase
- Voltage level (for dry-type): low or medium
Power Distribution is a system, consisting of a Main Distribution Board (MDB), Sub Main Distribution Boards (SMDBs) and Final Distribution Boards, by which the electrical energy is transmitted via branches to reach the exact end user.
An MDB is a panel or enclosure that houses the fuses, circuit breakers and ground leakage protection units where the electrical energy, which is used to distribute electrical power to numerous individual circuits or consumer points, is taken in from the transformer or an upstream panel. An MDB typically has a single or multiple incoming power sources and includes main circuit breakers and residual current or earth leakage protection devices. A MDB is comprised of a free standing enclosure, a bus bar system, MCCB’s, metering and support equipments and required current transformers. Panels are assembled in a systematic manner such as incomer section and outgoing section.
MDB ( Main Distribution Board )

Early streamer emission
OPR early streamer emission (ESE) air terminals are especially effective for lightning protection of industrial sites, administrative or public buildings, monuments and open-air sites such as sports grounds.
During a storm, when propagation field conditions are favorable, an OPR ESE air terminal will generate an upward leader. This upward leader from the OPR tip propagates towards the downward leader from the cloud at an average speed of 1 m/µs.
This emission of an early streamer to a lightning event delivers a beneficial triggering time compared to a single rod air terminal exposed to the same conditions. The beneficial triggering time is determined as the average time gained at the moment of sparkover, with efficiency confirmed by high-voltage laboratory testing. All ESE tests are defined in Annex C of the French standard NF C 17-102 (2011 Version).
Faraday cage A Faraday cage is really any object made of a conducting material that is hollow in some manner. The laws that govern our understanding of electricity and magnetism state that “for any object made of a conducting material, the electric field at any point inside that object is zero” The same law mentions other things (like the field being normal to the outside of the object at any point) but really the only thing you need to know is that you can’t get shocked if you are inside a Faraday cage while it is being zapped.
MDB ( Main Distribution Board )
Main Distribution BoardsPower Distribution is a system, consisting of a Main Distribution Board (MDB), Sub Main Distribution Boards (SMDBs) and Final Distribution Boards, by which the electrical energy is transmitted via branches to reach the exact end user.An MDB is a panel or enclosure that houses the fuses, circuit breakers and ground leakage protection units where the electrical energy, which is used to distribute electrical power to numerous individual circuits or consumer points, is taken in from the transformer or an upstream panel. An MDB typically has a single or multiple incoming power sources and includes main circuit breakers and residual current or earth leakage protection devices. A MDB is comprised of a free standing enclosure, a bus bar system, MCCB’s, metering and support equipments and required current transformers. Panels are assembled in a systematic manner such as incomer section and outgoing section.

TransformerDistribution Transformer is an electrical isolation transformer which convert high-voltage electricity to lower voltage levels acceptable for use in homes and business. A distribution transformer’s function is straightforward: to step down the voltage and provide isolation between primary and secondary. Electrical energy is passed through distribution transformers to reduce high-distribution voltage levels down to end-use levels. Nearly all energy passes through at least one distribution transformer before being consumed by an end-use appliance, motor, or other piece of equipment. Distribution Transformers are found in all sectors of the economy: residential, commercial, and industrial.Distribution transformers are generally categorized in several ways:type of insulation: liquid-immersed or dry-typenumber of phases: single-phase or three-phasevoltage level (for dry-type): low or medium